About Me
- Name: robotskirt
- Location: coordinates unspecified
My favorite noise is eweew. My favorite color is periwinkle. I know how to play Oh Suzana on 5 musical instruments.
I am a traveler. My mission: to drive through galaxies in search of life forms never before seen. My only nemesis: the Duchess of Hazard who transmits her distraction devices through such things as free cable and bathtubs of unusual sizes. When I finally submit my findings I will be sent home. Until then I will enjoy every alter universe I stumble upon and with them all the chicken rings and santana covers they have to offer. bye-bye. rs
At 4:46 PM, robotskirt said…
I want to thank all of the individuals who have been inspired to comment on this entry. I am, however, rather perplexed by the sudden interest taken from those things considered “French”. (i.e. French kissing, French Turmoil and French Hairstyles). Some time ago I was stationed in France…Operation Cartwheel. I took diligent notes on the following: exuberant soccer fans, sardine and cheese sandwiches, cockroaches and Mona Lisa’s hidden agenda. Also I unearthed a plethora of charts and graphs that are proof positive that being lost in a thunderstorm late at night in an unfamiliar place is directly related to the human specie’s inability to be nice to one another.
My observations suggest nothing close to an avid love for neither apes, elephants nor the color pink. Cat naps, maybe but that’s pushing it. Herm, I will look it up this evening as I brush my pearly whites with my new automated toothbrush.
It hums and twirls…my favorites.
At 10:46 PM, Anonymous said…
I think I just turned a wonderful shade of elephant pink. off to color in my underpants with my new crayon. Geeze it's hot in here.
Your blog makes me wake well. Thanks!!
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